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Brian Monroe, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D., University of Southern California (Social Psychology)

  • M.S., University of Alabama (Marriage and Family Therapy)

  • B.S., California Institute of Technology (Astrophysics)


Selected Research

Read, S.J., & Monroe, B.M. (2019).  Modeling Cognitive Dissonance as a Parallel Constraint Satisfaction Network with Learning.  In E. Harmon-Jones (ed.), Cognitive Dissonance: Progress on a Pivotal Theory in Social Psychology.  Washington: American Psychological Association.


Monroe, B.M. (2018).  Progress in Understanding Requires Modeling With Faithfulness to the Phenomenon, and Precise Mechanisms.  Psychological Inquiry, 29(4), 200-202.


Monroe, B.M., Koenig, B.L., Wan, K.S., Laine, T., Gupta, S., & Ortony, A. (2018). Re-examining Dominance of Categories in Impression Formation: A Test of Dual-process Models.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(1), 1-30.


Monroe, B.M., Laine, T., Gupta, S., & Farber, I.  (2017).  Using Connectionist Models to Capture the Distinctive Structure of Impression Formation.  In R.R. Vallacher, S.J. Read, & A. Nowak (eds.) Computational Social Psychology (pp. 38-60) New York: Psychology Press.


Ehret, P.J., Monroe, B.M., & Read, S.J. (2015).  Modeling the Dynamics of Evaluation: A Multilevel Neural Network Implementation of the Iterative Reprocessing Model.  Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19, 148-176. 


Read, S.J., Monroe, B.M., Brownstein, A.L., Yang, Y., Chopra, G., & Miller, L.C. (2010).  A Neural Network Model of the Structure and Dynamics of Human Personality: Virtual Personalities II.  Psychological Review, 117, 61-92.


Read, S.J., & Monroe, B.M. (2009).  Must Judgments about Intentionality Precede Dispositional Inference?  Psychological Inquiry, 20, 66-72.


Read, S.J., & Monroe, B.M. (2009). Using connectionist networks to understand neurobiological processes in social and personality psychology.  In E. Harmon-Jones and J. Beer (Eds.) Methods in Social Neuroscience. (pp.259-294) New York: Guilford Press.


Monroe, B.M., & Read, S.J. (2008). A General Connectionist Model of Attitude Structure and Change: The ACS (Attitudes as Constraint Satisfaction) Model. Psychological Review, 115(3), 733-759.


Read, S.J. & Monroe, B.M. (2008). Computational Models in Personality and Social Psychology.  In R. Sun (ed.) Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology.  (pp. 505-529) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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